Senin, 19 Maret 2012

First weekend of March Madness

My friend Art put together a bracket league on Yahoo! this year. Any player is allowed to make three brackets, so he and I made brackets of our own and two brackets based on picks made by people who have made their brackets public.  Art's extra brackets are based on the picks of basketball expert Ken Pomeroy. I used the prognostications of Nate Silver and... 

A well known Islamo-fascist socialist usurper, Barry Soetoro.

Right now, the usurper is kicking everybody's ass hard. He has 35 of 48 picks right, a remarkably good score this year, given how many big upsets there have been. Nate and I are tied for correct picks at 31 of 48.  You get more points for picking correctly in the second round than in the first, so by that way of counting, Silver is ahead of me 40 to 39. But our league also has bonus points for picking upsets and Silver's best guesses lean very much on higher seeds, so with the bonuses the top of the table looks like this.

Barry Soetoro's Halal Bracket: 70 points
Grown Ass Man's Bracket (mine): 65 points
The Pom-Poms of Doom (based on Pomeroy): 52 points
Nate Silver Eats Chalk: 51 points

Art, who is usually pretty good at this, is taking a pounding this year, but there are still four rounds to go and the scoring increases each round.  I'll update the standings next week after the Final Four has been determined.

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

March 16, 2012 - the day of two fifteens

Quick question. What is the team name of Lehigh University?

I'll give you a moment.

Did you guess Mountain Hawks or did you know?  I'm wagering you didn't guess.

They beat Duke in basketball this evening.

You know, the Blue Devils.

That's a 15 seed beating a 2 seed.  That hasn't happened in NCAA history in... oh, let me look it up... nearly four hours.

I think this now can be counted as the maddest day in March Madness history.

It's Friday afternoon of the first weekend and my bracket is crushed like an itty bitty bug.

This was the scene at Norfolk State on Sunday when they found out they would be in the NCAA Division I tournament for the first time in their school history, a 15th seed against #2 Missouri, a great team who has played great on the road this year. As the cliche goes, they were just happy to be going to The Big Dance. But now at just before 4:00 p.m. Pacific, they have pulled off one of the biggest upsets in history, only the fifth 15th seed to beat a 2nd seed ever.

I had Mizzou winning the whole thing.  My bracket is complete crap now.

But you've got to be happy for these kids.  This is one of those games that will be remembered for a long time, like Michigan losing to Appalachian State in football or more locally, #16 seed Harvard beating #1 Stanford in women's basketball, even more humiliating because it was played on the Stanford campus at Maples Pavilion in 1998.

Whether they make it to the Sweet 16 or not, this has to be the upset of the tournament, one of the biggest of all time.

UPDATE: Okay, this is the biggest upset of the early afternoon.  Got one just as big if not bigger this evening.  See the other post labeled "Two major upsets".

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

No silver mask?Then it's not Santo.

 This guy is running for president.  Not of the senior class, president of the United States.

A lot of people don't like using his last name.  Since you found this blog on the Internet, you probably know why.  On Twitter, several people are shortening his name to Santo.

I hope this trend will stop.

Santo is a hero.  Santo has a silver mask.  Santo fights the Vampire Women, not The Women Who Want To Go To College or The Women Who Don't Want To Get Pregnant.

The name is taken, please use something else.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Results from Alabama and Mississippi

The polls were all wrong in the Deep South, so neither Nate Silver or I did very well, turning in our worst performances since Iowa, the other huge upset win for Sick Rantorum. That said, in this contest our algorithms are competing against each other, and I pulled off two low scoring wins.  Here are the results.

Santorum 32.9% (I gain 0.6%)
Gingrich 31.3% (I gain 1.1%)
Romney 32.9% (I lose 0.8%)
Paul 4.4% (I gain 0.3%)
None of the Above 1.1% (break even)
Hubbard 85.0%, 83.8%

Santorum 34.5% (I gain 0.4%) 
Gingrich 29.3% (I gain 1%)
Romney 29.0% (I gain 1%)
Paul 5.0% (I lose 1.3%)
None of the Above 2.2% (I gain 0.3%)
Hubbard 85.6%, Silver 84.2%

Simply put, we overrated everybody in the field except Senator Rick.  We also underrated None Of The Above.

The news will be about these two victories and ignore the fact that R-Money picked up more delegates last night than the other candidates by winning big in Hawaii and American Samoa.

Delegates won on 3/13
R-Money 40
Rantorum 35
Old Cheerful 25
Dr. Ron 0
The boa constrictor continues to squeeze. Newt has said many times he won't quit, but even a guy as cheerful as he is has to be getting a little glum by now. This next week has a non-binding caucus in Missouri, a winner take all caucus in Puerto Rico and a direct election next Tuesday in Illinois.  I expect the polling companies to give a lot of data in Illinois and next to none in the other two contests. If that's the case, I'll be back to report on the prognostications a week from now.

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

More fun with the tracking poll.

Gallup tracking poll - Beginning of January through middle of March
The Gallup tracking poll produces almost no information that will tell us who will be the Republican nominee, but because it is updated nearly every day, it gives a great snapshot of the mood of the GOP voters and trends over time.  Let's look at the patterns.
R-Money (green): He rose, he fell, he rose again and fell again, and we have seen his third rise, which may be now entering his third fall.  Even so, he has been the leader in the tracking poll for about 70% of the time and has never been worse than second. Notice that the highest grid line any candidate has passed this year is 35% and R-Money has done it at least once in every month.  It has been really tough for anyone to stay over that level of support for even as long as a week at a stretch.

Sick Rantorum (greyish brown): In the beginning of January, he was a sad joke.  By the beginning of February, he has become R-Money's main competition, even taking the lead for about a week in mid-February.  It's too early to tell, but his numbers are currently rising as Mitt's are falling, so we may see a fifth lead change within a few days. The only thing that might prevent it is two third place finishes tonight in the Southern primaries, which is the general prediction from the polls but close enough that there might be a surprise.

Cheerful Old Newt (grey): December isn't shown on this, when Newt went from being a prohibitive favorite to second place. He peaked again in late January, but since then he has faded to a steady and unimpressive third place. Who knows if GOP votes nationwide will give him a boost based on what should be strong finishes this evening in Alabama and Mississippi.

Dr. Ron Paul (GOLD!): Very steady and consistently in the 10% to 15% bracket, with one small dip in early February. Can't gain traction, won't die out.
None of the above (black): At the beginning of the year, NOTA was up around 25%, but over time it has shrunk and for the past month it has been hovering around 15%. The GOP voter may not be in love, but they are becoming accustomed to the idea that one of these guys is getting the nomination and no white knight is coming to the rescue.

You will see updates of this graph in the future, because it's my blog and I love numbers.

Predictions for March 13:Primaries in Mississippi and Alabama

There are four contests today, primaries in Alabama and Mississippi and caucuses in Hawaii and American Samoa.  Polling companies only showed interest in the primaries and once again, my model for prediction goes head to head with Nate Silver's, this time in the two Southern states.  Here are the numbers, with my predicted percentage first and Silver's in parentheses second.

Romney 34.5% (33.7%)
Gingrich 32.0% (33.2%)
Santorum 26.5% (25.9%)
Paul 7.0% (7.3%)
None of the Above 0.0% (-0.1%)

Gingrich 31.5% (32.2%)
Romney 31.0% (31.3%)
Santorum 28.5% (27.9%)
Paul 8.0% (7.3%)
None of the Above 1.0% (1.3%)
We agree on the basics, predicting victory for R-Money is Mississippi and Cheerful Old Newt in Alabama, Sick Rantorum in third in both races and Dr. Ron Paul a distant fourth in both.  As the numbers shake out, I'm bullish on Mitt and Rick in Ole Miss with the advantage that None of the Above can't be negative - it's like have a tiebreaker in pocket, while in Alabama, my model is bullish on Santorum and Paul.  Both of us are predicting close battles for first place based on the polling data, and it would not be truly startling if Gingrich or R-Money swept the South tonight.
I'll be back tomorrow with the results.  Currently, Silver and I are tied at 5-5 in the ten contests where we both made predictions. If we take the average of our ten predictions so far, Nate is ahead 89.6% to 89.3%.

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

So how is the election really going, Matty Boy?

Well, hypothetical question asker, here's the long and short of it. 

Mitt R-Money will be the Republican nominee on the first ballot, barring some stunning disaster.

After Super Tuesday, pundits were saying it wasn't impressive and he can't seal the deal because he didn't run the board.

That's just silly.

So far in essentially a four person race since things really started to matter, R-Money has garnered 40.5% of the popular vote and much more importantly, 55% of the delegates. He needs about 700 of 1500 remaining delegates to get the nomination, way less than half. Sick Rantorum would have to get on a massive hot streak and win 1,000 of the remaining delegates to pull out the upset, which means two out of every three from now on.

Ain't gonna happen.

And Cheerful Old Newt and Dr. Ron Paul have a combined chance of... wait, let me check the numbers... epsilon to win.

For non-mathematicians, epsilon means a number ridiculously close to zero that can't be said to be exactly zero.  All they need is toe tags, because both of them are dead meat.

Ron Paul doesn't quit because this is a crusade for him, not an election.

(photo by Vincent Yu/AP)

Newt doesn't quit beacuse of this odd looking grease weasel, billionaire casino owner Sheldon Adelson. Maybe it's just because I've grown up online reading Princess Sparkle Pony, but being a billionaire should mean getting better skin and hair care than this.

Adelson is Newt's Super PAC sugar daddy, so getting ads on the air is no problem. But R-Money has a Super PAC, too, and those ads effectively killed Cheerful Old Newt's chances of bouncing back. (Some observers say the moon base was Newt's true undoing, and that is certainly a major contributing factor.) For whatever reason, Adelson has taken a disliking to Sick Rantorum and promises to throw his support behind R-Money once Cheerful Old is out of the picture. In other words, instead of a knockout punch, the R-Money campaign is more like a boa constrictor, slowly squeezing the air out of its victims.

When it comes to the general election, this primary season hasn't been much help to R-Money's chances, but without a third party right wing candidate I think Mitt has a chance, though not even money at present. For exact numerical stuff, this is way too far away from November to give numbers that have any meaning at all.  Heck, I'm not confident about the predicting the primaries next Tuesday yet. But checking all the background information, from Gallup tracking down to Rush Limbaugh's woes - he has been a serious foe of Mitt's candidacy - R-Money is the Republican standard bearer whether they like him or not. Right now, he has to prove he's a better candidate than Michael Dukakis, let alone President Obama.

It's going to be a long year and I don't just mean 366 days.

Maru levels... Dangerously low!

Maru + Enclosed spaces = fun for the whole family.

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Results of Super Tuesday: Predictions in Ohio, Georgia and Tennessee.

The final numbers are in for all ten races from last night, but there were only three states where there was enough data for both my model and Nate Silver's to predict the results candidate by candidate.  Without further ado, here are the numbers.


Romney 38.0% (both low, Silver gains 1.1%)
Santorum 37.1% (both low, I gain 0.2%)
Paul 9.2% (both high, Silver gains 1.2%)
Gingrich 14.6% (both high, Silver gains 0.4%)
NOTA 1.1% (I'm low, Nate's high, he gains 0.5%)
Final: Silver 91.6%, Hubbard 88.6%

Romney 28.1% (both high, I gain 1.1%)
Santorum 37.2% (both low, I gain 2.4%)
Paul 9.0% (I'm low, Silver's high, Silver 0.4% closer)
Gingrich 23.9% (I'm low, Silver's high, I'm 0.5% closer)
NOTA 1.7% (I'm high, Silver's low, I gain 0.5%)
Final: Hubbard 91.8%, Silver 87.4%

Romney 25.9% (both low, Silver gains 1.0%)
Santorum 19.6% (both low, I gain 0.3%)
Paul 6.6% (both high, I gain 0.7%)
Gingrich 47.2% (both low, I gain 0.6%)
NOTA 0.7% (both high, Silver gains 0.8%) 
Final: Silver 94.8%, Hubbard 94.6%

Long story short: His model whipped mine but good in Ohio, mine whipped his in Tennessee and he beats me by the narrowest possible margin in Georgia.  (The tenths place is always even, because any tenth of a percent a prediction is too high for one candidate must be balanced by a tenth of a percent low someplace else.)  This brings the overall prediction battle record to five wins and five losses for each, a flat-footed tie.

No day from now on is going to have ten contests again and I don't know how avid the polling companies will be about covering the next contests. There are four contests this Saturday and four more next Tuesday and so far I have seen zero polls concerning any of them.  There might be some polling in Mississippi and Alabama, possibly in Kansas - though it's a Saturday caucus, which is kind of a double whammy - but I don't expect much data from the far-flung contests in Guam, Northern Marianas, Virgin Islands, American Samoa or even in Hawaii.

I will let you know the next time both Nate and I put up predictions head to head.

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Predictions on Super Tuesday: Georgia, Ohio and Tennessee

The crystal ball is back and we have three key races where lots of polling companies gave us lots of data, much of it on this last weekend before the primaries.  There is enough data in Georgia, Ohio and Tennessee for my prediction model to go head to head with Nate Silver's in those states. The seven other races - Alaska, Oklahoma, Virginia, Vermont, Massachusetts, North Dakota and Idaho - either had no polling or too little for my tastes.

Here are the predictions in the three states, my number given first and Nate Silver's in parentheses.
Romney 35.5% (36.6%)
Santorum 34.5% (34.3%)
Gingrich 17.0% (16.6%)
Paul 12.5% (11.3%)
NOTA 0.5% (1.2%)
Silver and I do not disagree on position of the four candidates in any state. We also agree that Ohio is relatively close, but late polling makes R-Money a slim favorite over Sick Rantorum. Nate's position makes him bullish on Mitt and None of the Above, and there are large gaps in our predictions of Mitt and Ron Paul.
Santorum 35.0% (32.6%)
Romney 30.0% (31.1%)  
Gingrich 22.0% (26.5%)
Paul 10.0% (9.7%)
NOTA 3.0% (0.1%)
Another close race, but Silver's model makes it even closer than mine does. We have large disagreements on everybody but Ron Paul, so the result of this one is likely to be a landslide one way or the other in terms of prediction numbers.

Gingrich 46.5% (45.9%)
Romney 24.5% (25.5%)
Santorum 19.0% (18.7%)
Paul 8.0% (8.7%)
NOTA 2.0% (1.2%)

Again, my prediction model and Nate Silver's agree on the basic order of things and there are big gaps between the candidates, so any change to Newt > Mitt > Rick > Ron will be a big surprise.  I'm bullish on Cheerful Old Newt, Sick Rantorum and None of the Above.  The gaps in our predictions are relatively small, so this could be a close race between Nate and me, though it should be a landslide for Gingrich in the state he used to call home.

I'll be back tomorrow to report on results.  After seven matches, I lead 4-3.

Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Okay, Matty Boy, what was your problem with the Master and Commander movie?

Hypothetical question asker! So good to have you back, it's been far too long.

The easy guess would be Russell Crowe, but honestly, I think he is just about the perfect Jack Aubrey. Brave, honest, clever as a tactician but not in the use of the English language, the movie got Jack down to a tee.

The problem was Stephen Maturin.  We see him as a physician and a naturalist, but not of him as an intelligence agent.  I understand cutting that part out, it could easily take up too much time, though I missed it dearly. The problem for me was Paul Bettany, far too tall and ten times over too pretty.

I was trying to think of better casting and the best I could come up with was David Bamber.  My favorite roles of his are as the obsequious Mr. Collins in the BBC mini-series version of Pride and Prejudice and his turn as Cicero in HBO's Rome, who stands against Caesar on principle but is not soldier enough to stand against him on the field of battle. Mr. Collins puts him in almost the right costume, and his Cicero shows him very capable of playing a beautiful wordsmith but not a beautiful man.  This haircut does an excellent job of hiding his ears, which stick out like the open doors on a 1957 Buick Special.

Of course, there is nothing like reading Patrick O'Brian, so it's just as well they made the one film to take a not particularly accurate snapshot from the twenty novel story of Aubrey and Maturin, and leave the rest of it to be enjoyed as it truly should, on the printed page.

Two at the same time? UPDATE

Okay, thanks, I was already awake.

About ten minutes ago there was a quake I felt here in Oakland.  There was that little start like someone unloading something heavy from the elevator down the hall, and then there were some serious left to right shakes.  After about three, I decided to stand in a doorway.  It was over soon enough.

Of course, I googled "seismic activity" and up came a 4.3 centered in Richmond, about 13 miles north of my house.  That was about five minutes after the shock, but a few minutes later, there was a revision.  There were two quakes, one in Richmond and one in Tiburon, over in Marin County, and both were measured at 4.0.

A little math help.  Two 4.0 quakes do NOT add up to an 8.0 quake, thank Odin, Vishnu and the little baby Jebus. The Richter scale is logarithmic and twice as strong only increases the reading by the log of 2, which is about 0.30103... That's why two 4.0 quakes would read the same as one 4.3 quake.

I don't ever remember two noticeable quakes centered so close to one another so close to simultaneous, though I will admit I don't keep close records.  With as many faults and fissures as there are in the Bay Area, I'm a little surprised that movement in one fault line wouldn't nudge another into a quake more often than this, if that is in fact what happened.

UPDATE: In the comments, Susan S. said it had been changed to one quake, so I re-Google seismic activity and as of noon, it's two quakes, eight seconds apart, the first one 3.5 and the second 4.0. Both are centered in Richmond, so not one fault triggering another.

Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

No prediction based on a single poll.

Quick update: I didn't publish a prediction in Washington state and neither did Nate Silver. Had I used my model with only the PPP poll, I would have been about 77.1% correct, a grade of C instead of the B+ to A- grades I expect when more data is available.  The PPP poll had Sick Rantorum beating Dr. Ron Paul - the only candidate with a key to the TARDIS - handily. Instead, it was Paul barely out-polling Sen. Rick and Gingrich completely out of the running, his usual outcome.

There will be enough data for some predictions before Super Tuesday.

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

No forecast in Washington caucuses

Washington state has a Republican caucus today, but I am making no prediction, and neither is Nate Silver.  Only PPP did any polling there, one poll this week and one two weeks ago.  They disagree radically, the early poll at the height of Santorum's national popularity showed he was ahead while the poll this week said Romney was the leader.

It's not that I don't trust PPP, but more that I don't trust a single fresh poll, especially when it concerns a caucus with a miniscule turn-out. Wyoming had a caucus on Wednesday, February 29, but I didn't see a single poll published anywhere. There are ten contests this Tuesday but several are still with no polling data whatsoever. North Dakota, for example, has a non-binding caucus.  There is no reason to keep track of what they do at all.

I am not yet sure of how many of Tuesday's contests will have enough data for me to make a prediction.  It all depends on how many polls get published in each state between now and Tuesday morning. The two big prizes are proportional primaries in Georgia and Ohio.  Recent polls show Gingrich comfortably ahead in the state he used to represent and Santorum is ahead in all the recent polls out of Ohio. The next biggest contest is Tennessee, which has only one poll so far this week.

Let me set a threshold of data for my system.  I need at least three polls from three companies in the last week and at least one of those has to be from the last three days before the election.  That means for Tuesday contests, I want a poll that finished up on Saturday, Sunday or Monday and at least two more polls that concluded Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. There are ten contests on Tuesday.  I'll be surprised if I have a prediction in more than five.

Stay tuned.

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

If you have nothing nice to say, come sit next to me.

Andrew Breitbart is dead at the age of 43.  That is stunningly young.  From what I have seen of his life, he earned it.

There is a custom that you are not supposed to speak ill of the dead.  This is not a custom I follow.  One of my first stops on the very old World Wide Web was a newsgroup called alt.obituaries, where people from all English speaking nations shared the stories of the recently dead, some you knew and some you didn't. Sometimes we praised, sometimes we buried.  Sometimes we dug the corpse up and pissed on it for a while, then re-buried it.

All this was permitted.  It was not permitted to harp on the living, unless there was solid evidence that they might not be living for long.

Several stories about Breitbart written today say he was fearless.  This is an obvious fucking lie.  He was shameless and there is a world of difference.  When you lie about someone and that person loses their job and the lie is proven a dozen times over to be a lie, holding to your version of events is not brave, it is obscene. Shirley Sherrod still has a court suit against him.  Whether she pursues it now that he is dead and she is taking money from his heirs is completely up to her in my book.  I will not think less of her one way or the other.

Breitbart lived on booze and vitriol.  I rather like the former but I am doing my best to cut back on the latter. In some ways, I look at the modern conservative movement and the Republican Party/Tea Party as I would look on an infectious disease, interested in its progress (or lack of same) but doing my best not to turn to anger as I watch it eat everything in its path, including its own fellow travelers.

For me, Breitbart is like Christopher Hitchens without the talent. I won't miss either of them very much. I am much heartened by how many people assumed that the first reports were a hoax, some attempt to goad his political opponents into action his political allies could find objectionable.

If one ally of the happily now dead scumbag Breitbart shows up here, I challenge them to find an untrue sentence in what I wrote.  It may not be true for his immediate family, but for the vast majority of humanity, it is a blessing he was erased so quickly.

Here endeth the lesson.

A last look at February

Gallup national tracking for February
It's March now and winter is starting in the Bay Area.  Across the country, Republicans are still not completely sure who they want as their standard bearer.  As of the 29th, R-Money is now at the 35% mark while Sick Rantorum is under 25%. You can see that as Senator Rick has fallen since the middle of the month, the one who has benefited most  Governor Mitt.

There's a passel of primaries and caucuses on Tuesday, but the next really interesting thing will be Newt or Rick throwing in the towel. I expect R-Money will fall behind once it becomes a two and a half person race, but I also expect him to come back.

It's still a crazy crap shoot.

Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Results for Prognostications #8 and #9: The Michigan and Arizona primaries

While Mitt R-Money won both races last night, Nate Silver and I split in terms of closeness of prognostication.  I lost in Michigan by over-rating Ron Paul by a bunch, while Nate lost Arizona by predicting the None of the Above vote would be non-existent.  Here are the numbers.

Romney 41.1%(Both of us low, Silver gains by 1.0%)
 Santorum 37.9%(I'm low by 0.4%, Silver is 0.2% high. Silver picks up 0.2%) 
Paul 11.6%(Both of us too high. Silver picks up a whopping 1.8%)
Gingrich 6.5%(Again, both of us high. I beat Silver by 0.4%)
None of the above 2.9%(Both of us low. I'm 0.2% closer)
Final prognostication score: Silver 91.6%, Hubbard 89.2%
Romney 47.3%(Both of us low, Silver gains by 0.4%)
  Santorum 26.6%(Both of us high. Silver picks up 0.2%)
Gingrich 16.2%(Again, both of us high. I beat Silver by 0.7%)  
Paul 8.4%(Both of us too high. I gain 0.2%)
None of the above 1.5%(Both of us low. I'm 1.1% closer)
Final prognostication score: Silver 89.0%, Hubbard 90.4%
If I made a mistake, it was discounting the polls with a lot of undecided in Michigan too much, which made my Ron Paul prediction there stand out like a sore thumb.  After seven match-ups, I'm ahead of Nate Silver 4-3.
So next week is Super Tuesday, with primaries in seven states (Georgia, Massachusetts, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia) and caucuses in four (Alaska, Idaho, North Dakota, Wyoming).  There is also a caucus in Washington state on Saturday.  I am going to make an arbitrary cut-off point of at least three polls in a state reporting after Friday and not all three polls by the same company for me to put up a prediction.  I don't know Silver's threshold for enough data. I expect some of the caucus states are not going to have many polling companies interested in hunting down those tiny numbers of caucus goers, but there's a good chance Silver and I will be going head to head in at least six contests next week.  The only change to my model will be to up the standard None of the Above vote to 1.5%.

Mmmm... fresh data!  So very fresh. Mmmmmm.

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Prognostications #8 and #9: The primaries in Michigan and Arizona

After three weeks of waiting, the crystal ball is back.  The voters in Michigan and Arizona go to the polls and there have been plenty of polls to give us an idea of an idea of how things are going, so I'm making a prediction of the final numbers and so is Nate Silver of and The New York Times. There has been more data published about Michigan than Arizona, including two polls in the last twelve hours, but both have been well covered, so here are the numbers, with my prediction first and Silver's in parentheses.

Romney 38.0% (39.0%)
Santorum 37.5% (38.1%)
Paul 14.0% (12.2%)
Gingrich 9.5% (9.9%)
None of the Above 1.0% (0.8%)

Romney 43.0% (43.4%)
Santorum 27.5% (27.3%)
Paul 10.0% (10.2%)
Gingrich 18.5% (19.2%)
None of the Above 1.0% (-0.1%)

We have no disagreements about the order. Both of our models say Michigan will be very close and Arizona will not. 
In Michigan, our big difference is about Ron Paul.  There were some polls that had Paul comfortably in third place and others that said he and Gingrich were neck and neck.  Most of the latter had much larger Undecided votes than made sense this late in the game, so I did not favor those polls, regardless of freshness.

In Arizona, the big disagreement is about None of the Above.  If it's anywhere near 1%, this will give my model a big advantage. If it is under 0.5%, Silver will be in better shape.
In the real world, this is really about delegates, though there is also value in getting good press by winning or making a good showing. Michigan's race is multiple contests, two delegates per each congressional district and two more for the overall winner in the state. Silver has some polling information that one district might be won by Dr. Ron Paul - the candidate the Daleks hate most - while the rest are battles between the front runners. Arizona is winner take all and R-Money's lead looks insurmountable there. Expect the news coverage to focus on the closeness of Michigan and ignore that Mitt's lead in delegates will increase.

I'll have a new post tomorrow giving the results. So far in the five races where each of us has predicted an outcome, I'm ahead 3-2.

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

A little more information about polls than you probably wanted.

When looking at two polls, there are some mathematically solid methods that help you distinguish the more reliable one.

Who did they ask?  The most reliable polls ask likely voters.  The next most reliable ask registered voters. The least reliable ask adults. (I guess the very least reliable ask unregistered teenage zombies, but I've seen very few polls who will admit that is their sample set.)

When did they ask?  If everything else is equal between two polls, the most recent gives the best information.

Almost all polls at the state level ask likely voters, and as for freshness of a poll, in this crazy season a poll one week old is next to no good at all.

The next most important question that has a true mathematical foundation is How many people did they survey?  A larger survey gives you a smaller margin of error.

But for me, when I decide on what polls to pay attention to for my prognostications, I pay attention to something else instead of sample size.  When the election is truly close at hand, I ask How large is the Undecided vote?  Technically, it shouldn't matter but experience has shown me that polls with large None of the Above content a day or two before the election are probably not doing a very good job. In the Michigan polling, a local company named Mitchell Research steadily shows more undecided voters than anyone else, so I have discounted their results regardless of sample size.
Enter We Ask America, a polling company that is nationwide but relatively new.  I don't remember them when I was gathering polling data in the 2008 election and their online archives only go back to 2010.  Regardless, they are busy little bees and almost produce as many polls as the two big dogs on the block nowadays, PPP and Rasmussen.

The thing is, We Ask America always has awful amounts of Undecided, even close to election day. For example, their last poll before the South Carolina contest had 15% undecided at a time when other polls were showing 4% or 5%.

And so we have the two contests tomorrow in Michigan and Arizona.  A week ago, We Ask America found 13% undecided in Arizona and 20% in Michigan, suspiciously high numbers compared to most other companies.  But miracle of miracles, it all turned around this weekend.  In both states, the number of undecided in their polls was -1%.  In other words, because of rounding error, the sum of the four candidates was 101%.

For both of these polls to be so unnaturally tidy is just as suspect as ones where they have twice as much undecided as everyone else.  These kinds of miracles do not come from improved polling techniques.  They come from upper management saying, "Bring down the undecided numbers or it's your ass!"

I'd like to see We Ask America change their name to the more accurate We Make Shit Up.

p.s.  I'll have my predictions and Nate Silver's up by tomorrow morning.  PPP is promising one more poll released and I love to get the freshest data possible.

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

This is how it always starts...

Gallup National Tracking numbers Feb. 1 through Feb. 23
The early weeks of February were great for Sick Rantorum as he climbed from third to first in national tracking numbers as well as winning caucuses in Colorado and Minnesota. But as has been the case in for several months now, getting to 35% support and staying there just isn't in the cards.  Gingrich started December above 35% but plummeted, only to make a comeback in January that saw him over 30% but under 35%.  R-Money was the only candidate to break the magical 35% barrier in January, and both he and Rantorum have been above that level in February, but neither could maintain it for more than a few days.
National numbers are little more than background noise in terms of delegates.  Sadly for Senator Rick, his numbers are also slipping in Arizona and Michigan, the two states holding primaries this Tuesday.  R-Money has had the lead in every Arizona poll so far, but Rantorum looked to be gaining until this last debate.  We will see if the trend continues in the polls over the weekend.  If it does, expect Nate Silver and me to project Mitt as the victor in both.  In a normal election year I'd be a lot more confident of the general trend on a Friday before a Tuesday polling date, but this primary season is still as insanely volatile as this February has been insanely warm here in Northern California.

Eventually, Newt or Senator Rick will throw in the towel.  In a two and a half person race, someone will have to climb over the 40% support level.  My guess is the Last NonRomney Standing will take the lead and then be pulled back earthward both by his weaknesses and by attacks from R-Money and the super PACs that back him.

As for the talk about a brokered convention, right now that is just silliness, like trying to predict the Oscars that will be handed out a year from now.  The fundamentals of this race still favor R-Money to get the nomination and face an uphill battle to unseat Obama.  In some ways I'd like to see the Tea Party get who they want for a candidate and have that candidate drubbed soundly. If Mitt loses in November, I expect the crazier voices in the Republican echo chamber will just get louder and more strident. In any case, it's not going to be pretty.

I'll be back with my predictions for Tuesday races on Tuesday morning.

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

One week out from the next crucibles

Gallup national tracking polls for Feb. 1 through Feb. 20
Next Tuesday, the Republican voters in Arizona and Michigan will go to the polls and we will get a snapshot that actually counts of the state of the electorate in those two widely separated states.  About a week ago, Sick Rantorum appeared to be cruising in Michigan, while R-Money was maintaining a large lead in Arizona.  Now the polls are saying the races are closer than they were last week, each of the second place guys closing the gap.  There are even polls that have R-Money ahead in the state of his birth where his very moderate daddy was governor, but those are off-brand polls with crazy amounts of None Of The Above compared to other more reputable companies polling at the same time.

I did a quick count in my Excel file to see just how many polling companies there are.  Since early December, I have kept track of literally hundreds of polls conducted by dozens of companies.  While some local news organizations do good work in their state - I like the Des Moines Register polls in Iowa, for example - the two companies that put out the most product nationwide are Rasmussen and Public Policy Polling (PPP) and generally, those are the names I trust the most, but not always. Nate Silver looks for patterns in the companies; I don't.  My system gives the most weight to polls that are taken close to election day. If two polls are taken on the same day or overlapping time periods, I consider the poll with less undecided to be more reliable.  Silver has his current predictions available on the New York Times website for next week's contests; I don't.  I am certain there will be plenty more polls and none of the current data will be part of my final numbers for prediction next Tuesday.

Things will get crazy on the first Tuesday of March, AKA Super Tuesday. There are 11 contests that night, the biggest of which are Georgia and Ohio. Polls from both those states are still all over the place, including a recent poll that says Gingrich, R-Money and Rantorum are neck and neck and neck in Georgia. If he doesn't win that one in the state he used to represent, that might be the final embarrassment for The Man With No Shame. (Sorry, that isn't a specific enough nickname in this contest. I mean Gingrich.)
Again, let me say that polls taken two weeks before the fact are not to be taken seriously in this race. The obvious comparison would be to say this race is as changeable as the weather, but even that isn't changeable enough. It's like a little kid with ADHD playing with a seven button blender. Sometimes it's set at mix, sometimes at puree. There's no telling how things will change, either the direction or the speed.
Still, it's more fun than keeping track of the Kardashian reproduction glands.  That was a hobby that did not fit my interests or talents well.


The official Lotsa 'Splainin' titles for the GOP front runners

 Regular readers will already know that I call Mitt Romney R-Money, a simple transposition of his last name with the hyphen thrown in to make him look more like a gangsta rapper.

Because like gangsta rappers, nothing is more important to R-Money than the Benjamins and morality is not allowed to get in the way.

I have been reluctant to use Senator Rick's last name, but a commenter on Talking Points Memo just did a simple spoonerism and called him Sick Rantorum.

Sick Rantorum is now his official name on this blog.  I would tell you who I saw first write this on the other website, but I told him I was going to steal it and not give him credit, and I am true to my word.

So now it's a two-man race.

R-Money: Core beliefs are for poor people
Sick Rantorum: Officially crazier that the Catholic Church

(Things can change, but the polls for the next races and the most recent results say Newt Gingrich is a dead man walking.)

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Still making the geometric decorations...

 I've just been lazy about putting them up on the other blog.  

The most recent pieces have been pyramids made made of Sculpey, then hand painted with acrylic.  These are on a four inch base.  The next thing I want to try is a bigger one on a six inch base.

I'll let you know when it's done, or more precisely, I'll let you know when it's done to my satisfaction.

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

A Christian nation. Where most of the Christians hate each other.

Until all the rest of the no-hope candidates dropped out, Senator Rick Santorum was a third-tier candidate. When they had a larger selection to choose from, Republican voters preferred nearly anybody: Donald Trump, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry all had their rises and falls before Senator Rick did.  The only candidate who was below Senator Rick in the polls consistently in December was Jon Huntsman.

The reasons are these.  Not a lot of people knew the name and many of the people who did know the name knew he was a very creepy religious nut.

The very creepy part of his persona cannot be kept quiet for long.  Yesterday in Ohio, speaking to a group of Tea Partiers, he was quoted by Reuters as saying Obama's agenda is "not about you. It's not about your quality of life. It's not about your jobs. It's about some phony ideal. Some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible. A different theology."
When asked about the statement at a news conference later, Senator Rick said, "If the president says he's a Christian, he's a Christian."

And this is exactly what's wrong with the idea that America is a Christian nation.  Most of the people who founded the country did proclaim a love for Jesus Christ, but they also hated and distrusted the people in the church across the street, people who "said they were Christians", but believed some strange and not really Biblical theology.

In the 21st Century, the schisms among the sects really haven't gone away. The remaining Republican presidential candidates are comprised of one Baptist, one Mormon and two Catholics. One of the Catholics (Gingrich) has a lifelong problem with keeping faith, now on his third wife and his third religion. R-Money is really not making a fuss about his Mormonism, though that is where a huge amount of his charitable contributions go.  (It would be interesting to see his tax returns from the year Proposition 8 was on the ballot in California.) Senator Rick, on the other hand, is a seriously doctrinaire Catholic, not only against abortion, but also quality of life options at the end of life, contraception, vasectomies and hysterectomies. And if you happen to take a different view, you are obviously biased against Catholics.

I'm a non-believer by nature. This means I'm not an atheist, because an atheist believes there is no God. I don't know what's out there and don't even have a good idea where to look for evidence one way or the other.  Freedom of religion protects me as well. There is no point to freedom of religion without freedom from religion. The idea of separation of church and state is that none of the flavors of Christianity could force their beliefs on others, the people who went to that false un-Christian church across the street that had a cross on the roof just for show.

In a sensible presidential campaign, Senator Rick's latest upward trend would just be a blip, because his new followers aren't sending him much cash just yet. R-Money, Gingrich and even the no-hope Dr. Ron Paul have much larger war chests than he does. But this campaign has shown very little sense. If the Tea Party really is the tail wagging the Republican dog, he may yet emerge as the True NotRomney, and then the race will become even more unpredictable. But President Rick Santorum would be a disaster for this country and a disaster for the free world because in his heart, he is a Catholic first and an American second.  That won't do.

Here endeth the lesson.

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Dory Previn 1925-2012

Singer-songwriter Dory Previn has died at the age of 86.  She co-wrote some Oscar nominated songs with her then husband André and started a solo career in her late forties after her marriage broke up, destroyed by Mia Farrow, who had a habit of intruding on relationships between men much older than herself and their age appropriate sweethearts. The song Beware of Young Girls is clearly written about Farrow. 
Reading some of the comments on the YouTube page of this song, some people think Farrow's later romantic troubles are karma. I would say it was more cause and effect.  When you seek relationships with men who show no loyalty, you shouldn't be surprised to be on the receiving end of that disloyalty later in the game when you are the faithful wife and some younger woman becomes available.

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

A story more complex than the media likes it.

 It's been about a week since any vote was cast in the Republican presidential primaries, and even those votes are now in doubt.  The official count was that R-Money beat Paul in Maine, but the results may change.  Like in the Iowa caucus, Mitt yet may be able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
We are still a week and a half until another meaningful vote with primaries in Michigan and Arizona.  There has been a crazy amount of polling in Michigan and all the data says about the same thing.  Senator Rick, he of the last name that shall not be mentioned, has a big lead in Michigan, which is something of an embarrassment for R-Money, who was born there and whose father was governor about a half century ago. R-Money made a TV ad showing off his Michigan roots and as usual, he sucks at the whole positive message thing.  The car he was driving is a Chrysler made in Canada, and a picture of his dad and young R-Money visiting the Detroit Auto Show was actually a picture of them at the 1964 World's Fair in New York.

So Senator Rick is now the front runner.  All the media says so.

Not so fast.

Two polls taken in the past few days in Arizona tell us R-Money still has a lead of about 8% there, trimmed significantly from the beginning of the month when Newt was the presumed NotRomney. The big difference between the two contests is Michigan splits its 30 delegates proportionally and Arizona has 29 delegates, winner take all. In Michigan, a candidate has to pass the 15% threshold, which should be easy for the front runners and a challenge for Gingrich and Paul.

I'm not exactly sure what to make of all this data pointing in different directions.  Maybe each of the candidates other than Dr. Paul (Vote Ron Paul! Give up hope! You'll be fine with gold and dope!) is a regional candidate, Gingrich in the south, Senator Rick in the Midwest, R-Money in the eastern seaboard and the Mormon west.  One thing that is clear is Senator Rick is at a massive money disadvantage. His recent successes have not changed the fact he was a third-tier candidate for over six months, getting the kind of donations you expect from a no-hoper without a rabid base.  The next time the campaign budget numbers are updated, maybe he'll be doing better, but when the guy you are trying to beat has 30 times as much money in the bank as you do, the question is can he close the gap enough to make a difference.

There isn't enough data to make things clear right now.  I don't expect things will be clearer after the primaries on the 28th or even the Super Tuesday contests a week later. Part of the media's favorite message right now does ring true.  R-Money hasn't sealed the deal yet, and it's hard to say if all his cash can make him a more attractive candidate when all is said and done.

In the words of Shane McGowan...

There's an ice-cold beer for Father McGreer
And a short one for Father Loyola
Father John's got the clap again
So he's drinking Coca-Cola.

Rain Street, The Pogues

These worthies, of course, are the witnesses asked to speak about birth control by a Republican house committee chaired by Darrel Issa. I believe they want their country back.  They did not specify what year would work best, but I'm guessing any time in the 19th Century would suit them just fine.


Senin, 13 Februari 2012

The second dawn for Senator Rick

The Gallup tracking poll for early February, 2/1 to 2/12
For this post and all posts and tweets after this I am going to call Rick Santorum Senator Rick. We no longer have to worry about confusion with Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, so Senator Rick (or just Rick) is his official name here. Anyone who has Google knows why I am squeamish about his last name.
Newt Gingrich did great in South Carolina, but it's been downhill ever since, getting a truly pathetic 6% in the Maine caucuses and barely crossing the 10% threshold in Colorado and Minnesota. Last week Senator Rick was anointed the True NotRomney, the candidate from the right who can stand in contrast to Romney's pragmatism, which in his case smells an awful lot like wishy-washiness. 

No one can call Senator Rick wishy-washy or pragmatic. He holds the hard line position on every hot button right wing issue I can think of.  Most notably, he spent much of his Senate career railing against abortion and gays. He shows no sign of moderating his views EVER, so if he gets the nomination, this truly will be The Tea Party vs. Obama.

Right now, national polls show Rick trailing Obama by about the same numbers that R-Money is trailing Obama, which punches a big hole in Mitt's electability argument. The thing we haven't seen yet is how Senator Rick will survive the full-on Super PAC assault. I expect he will pass R-Money this week, but I have no idea what the situation will look like on February 28, the date for the next two big primaries in Arizona and Michigan. It's kind of silly predicting anything more than a few days ahead. The Republican field is still more changeable than the weather. But if there are some trends that look obvious now, it's the end for Gingrich and Paul's best days are behind him. Paul believes in his crusade more than Newt believes in his, so Paul could hang on to the bitter end.  
I'm going to agree with Senator Rick and say it's a two-man race now.  In most American political races, especially intra-party, it makes sense to give the nod to the guy with the most money. That would mean R-Money will be the nominee, but not before this race rips the party apart.

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

You've gotta love spin!Sorry, I take that back. Actually, you don't.

 There were two political contests yesterday that got press coverage and Mitt R-Money (sorry, Romney) won them both. One was the Maine caucuses, which he has won before in 2008 and the other was the CPAC straw poll, which he won in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Reading the press coverage, you would think he lost.  His margin was bigger four years ago, the turnout to both was miniscule, blah blah blah...

Quite simply, the press has a narrative and doesn't like to give it up.  The earlier narrative for R-Money (sorry, I keep doing that) was that he was inevitable, but after a loss to Gingrich in South Carolina there were questions.  He won Florida and Nevada and then he was inevitable again, but a bad Tuesday for him and a great Tuesday for Santorum this week and suddenly it's Beat Up Mitt Time again.
Want to know who deserves to get beat up?  Newt Gingrich deserves to get beat up, at least figuratively by the press.  After a win in South Carolina which most people rack up to his insulting of debate moderator Juan Williams, Gingrich has gone downhill in a big way.  Here's the ugly tally.

Florida: gets 31.9%, finishes second by 14.5% in a state that neighbors his former home state of Georgia. Newt wasn't born in Georgia and no longer lives there, but he was elected to the House from Georgia's 6th District. He's a Washington insider now and has been for decades.

Nevada: Gets 21.1%, loses to R-Money by 28.9% (You know what? I'm going to stop saying I'm sorry.  That's the way I spell Mitt's last name now.) Barely beats Ron Paul for second place.

Colorado: 12.8% of the vote, a distant third. Can only beat Ron Paul.

Minnesota: 10.8% of the vote.  Finishes fourth. Not even in the conversation. Ron Paul gets more than double his votes and Santorum gets four times as many votes.

Maine: 6%, 12 points behind Santorum. Not even in the discussion with R-Money and Paul.

The technical mathematical term we use for a sequence of numbers like these is a plummet.

I'll be fair, because it's my nature.  This is a strange race and Gingrich may yet pull out of this tailspin.  I have a hard time believing the Republicans will decide in the end that Santorum truly is the NotRomney, but I now believe that eventually, they will have to admit R-Money is their candidate, like it or not. (I also think a lot of Republicans may decide on "not like it" and clamor for a third party candidate, which hands a second term to Obama on a silver platter.) But the narrative for Newt Gingrich now should be Old And In The Way. Maybe he'll find some way to get his mojo back in a debate, but between now and February 28, the next primary date that matters, Newton Leroy Gincrich is sitting on a big pile of negative momentum. Just like Perry and Bachmann and Huntsman before him, he's going to have to decide soon that it's time to go.

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Two contests, no prognostications.

 The results of the Maine caucuses are being reported tonight, but neither Nate Silver or I will be making any predictions because there were ZERO polls taken.  Since Maine is so close to Massachusetts, both Santorum and Gingrich put in zero effort, but Ron Paul has been wooing Maine voters like crazy.  There are people predicting an upset, but there is no real data, so these are just wild guesses. There are 24 delegates up for grabs, twice as many as New Hampshire this year because of penalties handed out to the Granite State.  But no one polled the good people of Maine, so we'll just have to wait until this evening to find out what happened.

The other numbers that will be released today are the results of the CPAC Straw Poll. There is no point in a polling company trying to poll such a small and meaningless gathering, but winning here at least gives a campaign a little boost in the 24 hour news cycle.  The organizers are miffed that Ron Paul won the straw poll in both 2011 and 2010, so they changed the way the contest is run to make it easier for all attendees to have their voice heard.  While the victories of Paul in the last two years are something of an embarrassment for the organization, Almost no one brings us that before Paul's winning streak the winner of the straw poll in 2007, 2008 and 2009 was... Mitt Romney.
This gives you some idea why the press covers CPAC. It's easy to get to (held in D.C.) and it's always good for a laugh. It had a "reputation" as the herald of Ronald Reagan back in the day, but like the rest of the conservative movement, the successes they can point to since then are few and far between, especially now that George W. Bush has been erased from history, even by his own team. The Bush whitewash is so effective, the ghost of Joseph Stalin let loose a low whistle and said with admiration, "Damn. You guys aren't playing around, are you?"

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Results from Prognostications #6 and #7: The non-binding caucuses in Colorado and Minnesota

There was only one company who tried to poll in Colorado and Minnesota prior to yesterday's caucuses, and given that lack of data Nate Silver declined to make a prediction.  While I consider myself a better mathematician than Silver is, I am not so foolish as to think there is nothing I can learn from him.  My prediction accuracy was stunningly bad, worse by far than anything I had done before.  There are several factors at play, but having so little data is certainly a major factor.  Without more fresh polling data, I will not make a prediction in future contests.
Let us first see the gory results. My updated predictions are better than my earlier stuff with less data, but none of them are even close to good. The actual numbers are first, my guess is second, the difference between them is in parentheses.

Colorado caucuses
Santorum 40.2% 28% (off by 12.2%)
Romney 34.9% 36% (off by 1.1%)
Gingrich 12.8% 22.5% (off by 9.7%)
Paul11.7% 13.5% (off 1.8%)
75.2% accurate, a C on the standard grading scale

Minnesota caucuses
Santorum 45.0% 34% (off by 11%)
Romney 16.9% 23.5% (off by 6.6%)
Gingrich 10.8% 22%(off by 11.2%)
Paul 27.1% 20.5%(off by 6.6%)
64.6% accurate, a D on the standard grading scale

As Charles Barkley might say, I was turrrribull last night.  Let me list some of the reasons I sucked so bad.
  1.  Not enough data.  I brought this up already.
  2. Caucuses! We hates 'em!  There are so few voters at caucuses, they are hard to find by the methods pollsters use and all other things being equal, polls do a better job of estimating the votes in a primary, where the percentage of people casting votes is dramatically greater.
  3. The elusive Santorum caucus voter.  In the caucuses in Iowa, where there was a ree-donkulous amount of fresh data, no poll told us Santorum was a front runner. Even the polls that put him in second put him a distant second. When all the votes were counted, he beat Romney in a photo finish. In two caucuses last night, again Santorum over-achieved spectacularly over the polls' guesses.  Maybe people who vote for Santorum don't answer phones.  They must be at prayer meetings or something.
And so we have a caucus in Maine that ends this weekend, but so far nobody has any poll data. I won't make a prediction without three different companies giving their best guesses by this Friday.  if that doesn't come to pass, the next contests that count are February 28 in Arizona and Michigan.  I'm certain there will be boatloads of polls in those two states, so my next prognostication against Nate Silver will probably have to wait until then. I can boldly predict that I have no clue right now what will happen then.  Former British P.M. Harold Wilson said a week is a long time in politics, and he was not subjected to the 24 hour cable news cycle.  Three weeks might as well be an eternity now.