Don't Ask, Don't Tell, a pathetic joke of a compromise signed into law by Bill Clinton, is now dead. The Republicans, who somehow think they can make political hay saying no to anything and everything, including health aid for the first responders on September 11, did not stand as a monolithic group of assholes on this topic.
Who's the guy who stood up and said, "Yo, I got this."?
Joe Lieberman, despised turncoat and overall whiny weasel.
I kind of hate Joe Lieberman. I looked for quite a while to find a picture of him that didn't make me want to punch the screen. This is the best I could do.
But now, a bad law is history and the guy who talked several Republicans away from the creepy regressive party dogma is old Droopy Dog himself.
A quick note of thanks to Senator Leiberman, even if I can't go a whole post without saying how I really feel about him.
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