This is a reprint of a post from March of 2008.
You are forgiven in advance if you do not recall it.
You are forgiven in advance if you do not recall it.

Matty Boy, 'splainer and arbiter of lolz and collector of French filth, has decided to add his expertise to the field of lolz poetry adaptation and translate a poem of Charles Baudelaire into lolz pictures with captions. I have chosen La Géante, which translates into English as The Giantess. It comes from Beaudelaire's most famous collection Les Fleurs du Mal, which translates into lolz as Smutty Thotz. I Gotz Dem.
Matty Boy, how did you come to choose this particular poem to translate?
Oh, please, hypothetical question asker, don't be naive.
Matty Boy, how did you come to choose this particular poem to translate?
Oh, please, hypothetical question asker, don't be naive.
La Géante
Du temps que la Nature en sa verve puissante
Concevait chaque jour des enfants monstrueux,

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